
Boston Terrier Kennel

The world would be a better place if everyone had the chance to love as unconditionally as a dog.

Together with my mom we run a Boston Terrier kennel registered in the Polish Kennel Club (ZKwP), Katowice branch, under the name Elibessmo. Our journey with breeding began in December 2016, although our history with dogs goes back much further. My love for dogs started many years ago - since birth, I was accompanied by two Dobermans who taught me responsibility, respect, and lifelong, unconditional love. In 2016, my greatest dream came true and completely changed my life - a Boston Terrier joined our family.

Agnieszka i Elżbieta Domańska

Tajfun, Roxi, Loka, Torin, Fabio, Violka -
meet our dogs

Planned litters and puppies

For me and my mom, dogs are first and foremost members of our family. Every day, we do our best to ensure they are as happy as possible. Long walks spanning several kilometers, training sessions, dry and water treadmill workouts, dog fitness, nosework, handling classes, and simply relaxing together on the couch are all integral parts of our weekly routine.

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